Category Archive : Travel to Denmark

Not only do I travel a lot, but I see and do a lot wherever I go. I’m a very active traveler and it seems that I always need something to do. I’m also a prolific writer and almost everything I see and do at some point will make its way onto this web site. […]

As part of my 40th birthday celebration in Northern Europe, I included a brief weekend stay in a city I had long wanted to visit, Stockholm. I knew that it wouldn’t be nearly enough time to really experience the city, but I wanted to at least visit to get a sense of it and to […]

I find myself writing about food a lot lately, but with good reason. Food is so important when we travel – it’s the fastest and best way to learn about any new destination. They’re also a lot of fun; who doesn’t like trying new local delicacies or concoctions you’d never even imagined? It’s a great […]

I’ve been absolutely infatuated with food tours lately. Not only do they offer a fantastic culinary peek into a new city and culture, but you usually get to see a lot of the city along the way and learn more about the general history and culture. The fastest and best way to learn about a […]

Recently I found myself in Stockholm for the very first time – a city I have long wanted to visit. Stockholm truly is one of the great capital cities of the world and has been for a very long time; for centuries it has been known as a bastion of business, culture and learning. So […]

A few weeks ago I finally visited Stockholm for the first time. I say finally, because a visit to the so-called capital of Scandinavia had been on my wish list for as long as I can remember, and I’ve even visited Sweden before but somehow just never made it to Stockholm itself. On the way […]

Food isn’t only the most important part of the travel experience, it’s one of the most fun. Through food we learn a lot about new cultures and the people who enjoy these morsels. If we’re open to the experience, we discover fascinating little societal quirks that we’d probably never pick up on otherwise. Food also […]

I’m a big proponent of a well done walking tour. They usually only last a few hours and if you choose the right one, what you take away from the experience can transform your impression of an entire city. Lately I’ve particularly enjoyed taking food tours, learning about new cultures and their traditions in the […]

I’m not a big fan of travel bucket lists, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t places I don’t want to visit before all others. I think we all have those places in mind; dream destinations that may or may not ever become a reality. I know that everyone has a best of list for 2015, […]

Some cities you expect to be romantic; Paris has made billions of dollars on that premise alone. Other cities surprise you though with their ability to charm and to help create those special romantic moments between you and your loved one. Here are some of my favorite cities that may not sound romantic, but really […]