Category Archive : Travel to Denmark

The other day I saw an article declaring how strange it was for a certain destination I love to actually have incredible food. I’d visited there several times and already knew how amazing the food scene is, but I was surprised that they were surprised. The fact is, that some cities, regions and even entire […]

As a frequent traveler, one of the biggest issues I deal with is what I eat. I am a very picky eater; a confirmed carnivore, my love of vegetables is weak at best and most notably, I don’t eat any fish or seafood. My fellow Americans may wonder why I phrase it that way and […]

Let me preface this monster of a post by saying that no, this is not an exhaustive list. Yes, there are cooler things to do around the world, I just haven’t done them. As an independent blogger and not someone writing listicles for a magazine, I can only go from my personal experiences. Perhaps I should […]

Looking at the single digits on my thermometer here at home, I couldn’t help but reflect on the many cold weather trips I have enjoyed over the years. There’s something special about visiting frozen destinations during their coldest months; I think it’s how they’re best enjoyed. While multiple layers and hot cocoa are both requirements, […]

It’s hard to believe, but 2018 is almost here and in keeping with my year-end post traditions, I thought I’d share a few places I think everyone should visit in 2018. Some are obvious choices, others a little more unexpected but all are amazing places to discover for one reason or another. Also, these are […]

I’m a travel geek and at the heart of that geekery is transportation. There’s nothing better than a great flight, train ride or other fun way to see the world. But amongst the many transportation options we have to experience the world, there are a few that rise above the rest. They are special, they […]

I love museums, but I’m fairly picky about the ones I spend time visiting. My personal interests veer towards history and culture more so than art, and thanks to that natural proclivity I’ve discovered some fairly amazing museums around the world. Any museum I believe is to be treasured because it means that someone or […]

One aspect of the travel experience that continuously amazes me is how much of an education it really is. I learn so much both about the destinations, and of course myself, whenever I leave home and am thankful for the continuing lessons through a global lens. But I’m also surprised by how little I ultimately […]

I don’t normally write holiday themed posts, but I felt particularly inspired this year so I thought I’d share some of my favorite romantic spots around the world that I almost guarantee aren’t on any top ten list. They may be a little unusual, but hopefully it proves that romance and romantic travel is more […]

It’s hard to believe, but 2017 is almost here and in keeping with my year-end post traditions, I thought I’d share a few places I think everyone should visit in 2017. Some are obvious choices, others a little more unexpected but all are amazing places to discover for one reason or another. Also, these are […]